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"Car stop" is now available in the Chair series!

It is "that" that you can see on the roadside or at the entrance of a park.

It is a bollard type chair that suits the scene where you sit down lightly, saying "a little break". Unlike a chair that sits with the hip joint bent deeply, it allows you to pose without compromising the silhouette of the doll or the costume design.

In addition, the overall size, pipe diameter, etc. are all scaled down to 1/3 of the size of a general bollard, giving a feeling of size that is full of reality for the doll.

"Chair" bollard "" is an idea product that turns into a "picture" just by leaning against the doll. Not only can it be used as a doll stand, but it is also very useful for full-scale outdoor photography.

The solid texture and brilliance finished in all stainless steel will enhance your doll even more.

* Although it does not have a mirror surface like a mirror, the surface treatment is such that an object is sufficiently reflected.

For 1/3 doll

dolFun! Chair bollard

Out of Stock
  • * Price including tax ¥ 17,600-

    This item is in stock for immediate delivery . It will be shipped within 3 business days.

    ・ Finished product

    ・ Material Stainless steel

    ・ Surface treatment # 400

    * Although it does not have a mirror surface like a mirror, the surface treatment is such that an object is sufficiently reflected.


    ・ Overall width 320 depth 200 height 260

    Adaptation: 1/3 scale doll in general



Faith Design内

© 2019 Faith Design


© 2019 Faith Design

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