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How to incorporate 「Chair 円」
❶ Check if the parts are ready.

❷ Set the cross-shaped parts in the dowel holes on the legs with dowels as shown in the illustration.
* Small cross is on the top and large cross is on the bottom.

❸ Pay attention to the orientation while referring to the figure.
* Legs and cross parts have orientations. If they are in the wrong direction, they cannot be inserted until the end.
❷ ダボが付いた脚のダボ穴に、十字の形をしたパーツをそれぞれ図の様にはめ込みます。

❹ Insert to the end as shown.

❺ Fit the top and bottom of the cross part firmly into the leg as shown.

❻ Fit the other doweled leg firmly on the other side.

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